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True Lasers vs IPL Devices for hair Removal

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"The demand for laser hair removal is increasing" said a top executive for Tropicalaser www.tropicalaser.com (one of the leading providers of laser hair removal services. However, there is a lot of misinformation coming from some companies that advertise IPL or (intense pulse light) devices as true laser technology specializing in laser hair removal.

First of all the reason why these companies invest in IPL devices is almost always the huge difference in cost and in this case you really get what you pay for. These devices usually lack the power to deliver the energy necessary to destroy the hair follicles like a true laser system which is usually 4 to 10 times the price and usually more complex to operate.

Consumers should always find out before they sign up for a laser hair removal package if the device being used is an IPL device and understand the limitations so there are no false expectations.

In certain cases if the device lacks the energy to destroy the hair follicles completely reduce hair growth, the client may experience even more hair than before as in many cases the hair follicles become stimulated and actually produce more hair after the treatment.
Another case of misleading information are some of these at home, battery powered, do it your self gadgets which claim the same results as the real thing.

Buyer beware when it comes to purchasing these treatments and gadgets and the more educated you are on how the process works, the more it will become evident that you must seek a professional company that only utilizes true laser technology and very well trained staff under direct medical supervision.
